The mysteries of the eye lens.
This lecture will describe vision starting from the perspective of the artist and moving to the fascinating science that underpins how the eye captures light. The changes in the lens as it develops and ages as well as the effects of potential novel anti-cataract medications will be shown. These have been measured using advanced methods at the SPring-8 synchrotron and have provided insights into the lens that had not been possible with previous techniques. Aspects of the underlying links between structure and function of the lens remain a mystery and these will also be presented.
Professor Barbara Pierscionek, Medical Technology Research Centre, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Professor Barbara Krystyna Pierscionek graduated from Melbourne University in Australia with a PhD on the protein chemistry and optics of the eye lens and was awarded a prestigious NHMRC research fellow (MRC equivalent) shortly after graduating to start an independent research program on the optics of the eye. Barbara was supported by the NHMRC at Monash University and La Trobe University before returning to the UK. Barbara is an active researcher in the areas of optics and biomechanics of the eye, ageing and development of the eye lens and eye disease, nanotechnological applications to the eye and ethico-legal aspects of Big Data. She has received support for her research with funding from Research Councils (EPSRC, BBSRC), EU, Fight for Sight, Royal Society and industry (Essilor International and Zeiss Meditec) as well as being awarded beam time grants for work in Japan at SPring-8, the world’s largest synchrotron. In addition to qualifications in science, Barbara has an MBA and legal degrees including an LLM in cybersecurity. She has also worked in the criminal justice system and as a lay judge in employment tribunals. Barbara has published over 160 peer-reviewed papers, four book chapters and a book on law and ethics for the eye care practitioner.
Attending lectures
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The lecture will be preceded by a short presentation from a CSAR PhD Student Award Winner.
Ephemeral Walls. A home that transforms with you.
Ana Gatóo, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
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